Eastern Outdoor Reps Association is a not-for-profit association that services the independent and non-independent sales representatives of outdoor human powered gear.
Mission Statement: The purpose of the Eastern Outdoor Reps Association is to facilitate business between its Membership and their Customers.

360 Adventure Collective New England Winter Wrap-Up
Eastern Outdoor Reps Association is a not-for-profit association that services the independent and non-independent sales representatives of outdoor human powered gear.
Mission Statement: The purpose of the Eastern Outdoor Reps Association is to facilitate business between its Membership and their Customers.

360 Adventure Collective New England Summer Market
360 Adventure Collective (Formerly EORA / NESR) has earned 35 years of success in connecting the most comprehensive offerings in outdoor apparel, footwear, accessories and gear to the outdoor industry’s retailers who matter the most.
As a non-profit association run for reps, by reps, our insiders’ approach is simple: To grow the outdoor industry as easily and efficiently as possible. And with 12 conveniently located shows all along the East Coast per year, we take the work out of making it all work, for budgets and schedules.